Released: 2023
“Guajiru” is the second in a series of singles anticipating the release of Toco’s next album due in spring 2024. a song that explores the more romantic side of his multifaceted style and tells of a ?eeting summer love in northeastern Brazil, where the indigenous fishing village of Guajiru, on the coast of the state of Ceará, is located.
Written by Toco in collaboration with his friend Leonardo Milan and Stefano “S-Tone Inc.” Tirone – here also in the role of the producer – and recorded at Schema Records’ Blue Spirit studios, “Guajiru” is a track in the classic samba-rock style, inspired by Orlandivo’s swing and Jorge Ben’s sensuality. In addition to Ramiro Levy (guitars), Edu Hebling (bass), Mauro Martins (drums), Donatinho (keyboards) and Priscila Ribas (vocals), who also play in the previous single “Leão Leonardo”, “Guajiru” enjoys the extraordinary presence of Gianluca Petrella (trombone), Mirco Rubegni (trumpet) and Marquinho Baboo (percussion).
The journey that, song after song, will bring us to the release of Toco’s new album, goes on. “Guajiru”, as well as on digital format, will be physically released on a 7-inch record, alongside the already released track “Leão Leonardo”.